City Heroes - Dickie Toys Fire-Rescue-Unit
Veröffentlicht am 12.09.2024 von Dickie ToysDickie Toys - Fire Rescue Unit
Action-packed rescue missions
With the interactive 'Fire Rescue Unit' toy car from Dickie Toys, every firefighting mission becomes a real adventure! The freewheel allows the car to be rolled and pushed effortlessly, while moving parts such as the fold-out ladder and an opening side compartment stimulate children's imagination and creativity. But the absolute highlight of the rescue vehicle is the launching mechanism, which is located at the top of the ladder: Here, the supplied discs - with cool engravings of water and a drone - are inserted into the blue device and fired using a lever! Kids can thus use the emergency vehicle to extinguish imaginary fires or monitor their rescue operations from the air.
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Kleine Racer, große Renner: Schnell, kraftvoll und wendig wie die Automodelle bewegt sich Dickie Toys im weltweiten Spielwarenmarkt. Die Marke zählt zu den Marktführern im Bereich der funkferngesteuerten Fahrzeuge. Die Palette an temporeichem technischen Spielzeug, von Polizeiautos über Kräne, Bagger und Traktoren bis hin zu Flugzeugen, wird laufend aktuellen Trends angepasst.